Thursday, October 6, 2011

1880's Famous People

Chester Arthur Franklin (1880–1955)Chester Arthur Franklin was the publisher 
and editor of the Kansas City Call from 1919 
to 1955. He published the first issue on May 6, 1919. He only focused his paper on serious topics concerning African Americans—race issues and politics.

H.L. Mencken was an American 
journalist, essayist, magazine editor, 
satirist, acerbic critic of American life and 
culture, and a scholar of American 
English. The American Mercury, founded 
by Mencken in 1924, is a newspaper that 
is still used today. 

1880's America: Major Newspapers and News Events

Yellow Journalism was the newspaper style that peaked. It showed stories the people were interested in, crime news, corruption in government and large headlines.

The Yellow Kid was the most famous type of newspaper at the time.
Once the coverage of the Maine blowing up began circulating, America wanted to go to war against Spain.

The Spanish-American war was covered during this era but the information given wasn't always accurate as it was just for the interest of the people. It is said that William Hearst is famous for exagerating and supposedly making up the war with his stories.

Monday, October 3, 2011

1880s America: Politcal, Economy, and Social

Politics: President of 1880 was  James A. Garfield he victored Winfield Scott Hancock
european immigrants migrated to the United States.Democrat Grover Cleveland
28 October. Statue of Liberty dedicated in New York Harbor
24 May. Brooklyn Bridge opened to the public.

Economy:In 1880, almost half of the gainfully employed workers in the United States were
engaged in agriculture, and the American industrial economy was on the periphery of the
national and world economy.

Social: There was a massive increase in the America during the 1880s. Mexicans made a huge migration to the Americas. Life is was more " simple", no computers, tv, portal devices, etc.

